Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 02:21:39 -0700, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>How about PyLint / PyChecker?  Can I configure one of them to tell me
>>only about missing / extra imports?  Last time I used one of those
>>tools, it spewed excessively pedantic warnings.  Should I reconsider?
> I use pyflakes for this: <>.  The 
> *only* things it tells me about are modules that are imported but never used 
> and names that are used but not defined.  It's false positive rate is 
> something like 1 in 10,000.

That's definitely a good lead.  Thanks.

> This is something I've long wanted to add to pyflakes (or as another feature 
> of pyflakes/emacs integration).

Is there a community around pyflakes?  If I wanted to contribute to it, 
could I?


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