Here's a heretical idea.

I'd like a way to import modules at the point where I need the 
functionality, rather than remember to import ahead of time.  This might 
eliminate a step in my coding process.  Currently, my process is I 
change code and later scan my changes to make matching changes to the 
import statements.   The scan step is error prone and time consuming. 
By importing inline, I'd be able to change code without the extra scan step.

Furthermore, I propose that the syntax for importing inline should be an 
expression containing a dot followed by an optionally dotted name.  For 

   name_expr = .re.compile('[a-zA-Z]+')

The expression on the right causes "re.compile" to be imported before 
calling the compile function.  It is similar to:

   from re import compile as __hidden_re_compile
   name_expr = __hidden_re_compile('[a-zA-Z]+')

The example expression can be present in any module, regardless of 
whether the module imports the "re" module or assigns a different 
meaning to the names "re" or "compile".

I also propose that inline import expressions should have no effect on 
local or global namespaces, nor should inline import be affected by 
local or global namespaces.  If users want to affect a namespace, they 
must do so with additional syntax that explicitly assigns a name, such as:

   compile = .re.compile

In the interest of catching errors early, it would be useful for the 
Python parser to produce byte code that performs the actual import upon 
loading modules containing inline import expressions.  This would catch 
misspelled module names early.  If the module also caches the imported 
names in a dictionary, there would be no speed penalty for importing 
inline rather than importing at the top of the module.

I believe this could help many aspects of the language:

- The coding workflow will improve, as I mentioned.

- Code will become more self-contained.  Self-contained code is easier 
to move around or post as a recipe.

- There will be less desire for new builtins, since modules will be just 
as accessible as builtins.



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