Hello, I had a question about urllib2's  build_opener() statement. I am trying to just get the html from any  webpage as a string but I need everything on the page to be the same as  what it'd be if I would browse to that page (and at the very least, all  the href's). This is my code:

url = ''
req = Request(url)
f = build_opener().open(req)
page = f.read()

return page
so looking at the source of the page browsing to the page, one of the links has an href that looks like this:

href = "">

after running the code and looking at the returned page's same link, it looks like this:

href = "">

it seems that everything after the semi-colon is missing after running
the build_opener(). Is there a way that I can get the page as a string
with all the links (href's) to not be missing anything? Thanks.


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