Take a look at Inno Installer.  You should be able to
do everything you list.  You may also want to consider
using py2exe to package up your python program into
.exe prior to creating installer file.  That way you
eliminate the requirement of having python, pythonwin32
installed and you don't have to do anything to pythonpath
or to site packages.


Guy Robinson wrote:
> Target audience is little or no programming experience.
> I have a win32 only library I need to write an installer for. As part of
> the installation it must:
> 1.. find where a program is installed
> 2.. copy a file to the directory
> 3.. add the directory to the pythonpath and change a ini file.
> 4.. add a example directory at a user selected path.As well as add this
> to pythonpath.
> 5.. Add the main library to site packages.
> There is also a package of examples which need to be independently
> upgradable and located in the main directory.
> Suggestions?
> I'm thinking disutils would make for the easiest method but as far as I
> can see you can't run a script on finishing the installation or get the
> user to select from a directory. Nor does it seem contain methods to
> find windows programs without downloading pythonwin32 as well.
> For the examples, NSIS or equivalent looks to be what I need but overly
> complicated. Can you combine NSIS and disutils? Or should I just use
> NSIS without disutils.
> Advice appreciated. The first time I've released software before ;-)
> Guy

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