> i want to check the position of a volume in a particular 
> drive. say for example in a disk i have 3 different drives: 
> C:\ , D:\  and E:\.
> Now if i want to check what position is the D:\ in, how 
> can i write the code. Means whether its in a 0th position 
> or 1st position or a 2nd position.
> Is there any way using win32api or win32com.

> if i want to check a particular volume is a logical, or a primary one
> what is the method i have to use? does it can also be done through
> win32api.

Well, this page suggests that it's possible using WMI:


and, using the WMI module from here:


this bit of code seems to give you what you want. 

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()

for physical_disk in c.Win32_DiskDrive ():
  for partition in physical_disk.associators
    for logical_disk in partition.associators
      print physical_disk.Caption, partition.Caption,


Obviously, I've just printed the Caption, but you could pick up whatever

information you wanted from the disk, partition & logical_disk objects.
If you just print the object itself, it will give you all its fields 
and values.

By the way, thanks for the question. I've never come across a meaningful
example of WMI associators before, although I've had the code in the
module since the first version.


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