>     Iain> I like the Global Module Index in general - it allows quick access
>     Iain> to exactly what I want.  I would like a minor change to it though
>     Iain> - stop words starting with a given letter rolling over to another
>     Iain> column (for example, os.path is at the foot of one column, while
>     Iain> ossaudiodev is at the head of the next), and provide links to each
>     Iain> initial letter at the top of the page.
> I know it's not what you asked for, but give
>     http://staging.musi-cal.com/modindex/
> a try.  See if by dynamically migrating the most frequently requested
> modules to the front of the section it becomes more manageable.

That's pretty cool.  What I don't know is how it would look after 
thousands of people using it.  I know that I probably only have 10 
modules or so that I consistently need to check the docs for.  Your hack 
above would conveniently place those all at the top if I was the only 
user.  But are those 10 modules the same 10 modules that other folks 
need?  I don't know...

Of course, the only way to find out is to try...


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