aum wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 23:45:30 -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:
>>I only scanned through the API documentation, but it looks like only 
>>genetic algorithms are supported, not full genetic programming.
> Correct. Organisms of a species have a fixed genome.

I've done just enough work in genetic algorithms (and a token amount in 
genetic programming) to be perplexed by this comment.  Are you 
suggesting that genetic programming is somehow not related to genetic 

My understanding is that (said perhaps somewhat simplistically) genetic 
programming is an application of genetic algorithms in which the genomes 
are treated as describing the structure of a program whose execution 
basically results in the fitness level for that genome.

If that's a reasonably accurate statement (or, I suppose, even if it's 
not), would you please clarify how your "fixed genome" comment relates 
to any of this?



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