"Tony Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> It's "site:", but even if you just left that out and used
> >> 'wiki.python.org sorting "how to"', the first link is the one you're
> >> after.  Laziness is no excuse.
> >
> > You miss my point.  Having outdated documentaion distributed
> > with Python is the problem.  Have some newer stuff out on some
> > wiki is nice but does not fix the problem.  I know people don't like
> > writing and updating docs.  But that doesn't turn bad documentation
> > in good.
> >
> >>> Wikis suck.  Update the damn docs.
> >>
> >> The documentation *has* been updated.  If you read the Python 2.5
> >> documentation (build it, or wait for Python 2.5 to be released),
> >> you'll see that it points to the Wiki.
> You're complaining about something that has been fixed.  The
> documentation was out of date, and that has been corrected.   If you
> really must complain about something (in the interests of a foolish
> 'balance'), then pick something that hasn't been fixed.

Well, I was running Python-2.4.1 so I upgraded to 2.4.2 and guess
what?  The docs still reference the old Howto.  Perhaps you meant
to say "will be fixed in 2.5" rather than "has been fixed"?

> Note that having the core information in the documentation and
> additional information like "how-to"s in a wiki means that keeping it
> up-to-date isn't tied to a release.


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