On Dec 3, 2005, at 3:37 PM, Scott David Daniels wrote:

> They appear in different positions on different terminals (older hard-
> copy),

     Is anyone still using such devices to program Python?

> do different things on different OS's,

     Such as? I use OS X, Windows and Linux daily, and tabs work just  
fine on all of those. Which OS is it that is aberrant, and how  
exactly does it pose a problem?

> and in general do not behave nicely.

     Again, specifics would be welcome. I've been using tabs for  
indentation for over a decade, and have not once run into the horror  
stories that everyone who hates tabs says will happen, but who never  
give specifics as to how they cause "problems".

     If you want to use spaces, great. I'm certainly not going to  
make up reasons why spaces are bad, just to make me feel better about  
my preference. Just don't make general damning comments without any  
specifics to back them up.

-- Ed Leafe
-- http://leafe.com
-- http://dabodev.com


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