> Paul Rubin wrote:
>>Look at the list.count() example at the start of this thread.
>>Diagnosing it isn't hard.  Curing it isn't hard.  It doesn't bloat
>>Python by an order of magnitude.  A suitably factored implementation
>>might handle lists and strings with the exact same code and not incur
>>any extra cost at all.  That type of thing happens all the time here.
> I believe the language creator use the "lack of" as a way to
> prevent/discourage that kind of usage. Just like the ternary
> operator(still don't know why it is finally accepted). It is not a
> problem(not having), it is a feature(to teach you program better), so
> what cure are we talking about ?

Sorry, but I still do not get it. Why is it a feature if I cannot count 
or find items in tuples? Why is it bad program style if I do this? So 
far I haven't got any reasonable explanation and I think there is no.

-- Christoph

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