Mandus ha escrito:

> works just fine on my ubunty 5.10. Make sure you have the python2.4-tk
> package installed (sudo apt-get install python2.4-tk).

yes, i got it.
It's a fresh instalation from a cd in a brand new laptop. I tried to
reinstall python2.4-tk and many other packeges  :-(

There are two errors
_tkinter.TclError: this isn't a Tk application
invalid color name "#efebe7 "

It is a tk problem. amsn (also based on tk) displays the same error.
Somebody in a post said that
aptitude install xrgb
solved it, but it didn't work for me.

It seems to be a problem of X window.
In a debian box, it works fine. But if I export the display to the
one, get same error. (Other apps export fine)
And even running it in the debian box, with a vnc display in the
same error!   :-((

> -- 
> Mandus - the only mandus around.


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