Antoon Pardon wrote:
> Op 2005-11-28, Peter Hansen schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>Mike Meyer wrote:
>>>Is there any place in the language that still requires tuples instead
>>>of sequences, except for use as dictionary keys?
>>Would it be possible to optimize your "frozenlist" so that the objects 
>>would be created during compilation time and rather than only during 
>>runtime?  If not then tuples() have a distinct performance advantage in 
>>code like the following where they are used as local constants:
[snip code]
> I'm probably missing something, but what would be the problem if this
> list was created during compile time?

??  I was *asking* if there would be a problem doing that, not saying 
there would be a problem.  I think you misread or misunderstood something.



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