Wanting to explore tk under python, I must say that it seems to be very
difficult to find the required information in one single place.
I would like to give tk a try but as I need as a test something
equivalent of the Qt datagrid, I don't seem manage yet to get the
latest releases of tablelist, tcl, tk and tile going.
Did anybody manage to make the recent releases work in Python 2.4?
I manged to do some things with tablelist v4.2 but with the 8.4
versions of tcl/tk. However, for future work including tile, it would
seem wise to start out from 8.5.
In order to make tcl8.5, tk8.5 go, I suppose the 8.4 versions have to
be removed.
Do I have to remove and recompile python 2.4 as well? Is there any
compact writup on how to get going without having to delve into the
inner workings and wrapping of tcl?


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