Hi all,

This is a little function to compare two iterators:

def icmp(a, b):
        for xa in a:
                        xb = b.next()
                        d = cmp(xa, xb)
                        if (d != 0):
                                return d
                except StopIteration:
                        return 1
                return -1
        except StopIteration:
                return 0

It's modelled after the way cmp treats lists - if a and b are lists, 
icmp(iter(a), iter(b)) should always be the same as cmp(a, b).

Is this any good? Would it be any use? Should this be added to itertools?


I content myself with the Speculative part [...], I care not for the
Practick. I seldom bring any thing to use, 'tis not my way. Knowledge
is my ultimate end. -- Sir Nicholas Gimcrack

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