Christoph Zwerschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > As a general note, I think it would be good to place the exact > description in a footnote, since speaking about hashable objects, > __hash__ and __cmp__ will certainly frighten off newbies and make it > hard to read even for experienced users. The main text may > lie/simplyfy a little bit.
Good point. > However, since the Python docs are a reference and not a textbook or > manual, I think the debt should not be payed back "later", but > immediately in a footnote. Ok, how about this for dictionaries/sets: Any hashable object can be used as a dictionary key (set member). Immutable objects, except for tuples that contain a non-hashable object, are hashable. Python classes are normally hashable(1). And the footnote is: Instances of Python classes are hashable if they define a __hash__ method, or if they don't define either __cmp__ or __eq__. <mike -- Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information. --