Ben Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ... > > Remember that your redefined __setattr__ IS "in place" even when > > you're initializing your istance, so remember to delegate attribute > > setting to the superclass (the other special methods mentioned above > > are less likely to byte you). > > So, for a class that needs to set attributes in __init__ (but after > that, become immutable), how do I get around this? Should I make a
As I said, you delegate attribute setting to the superclass. E.g: >>> class Immut(object): ... def __setattr__(*a): raise TypeError, 'immutable' ... def __init__(self, v=23): ... super(Immut,self).__setattr__('v', v) ... >>> x=Immut() >>> x.v 23 >>> x.v=42 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "<stdin>", line 2, in __setattr__ TypeError: immutable >>> Alex --