"David M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks but the C Struct describing the data doesn't match up with the
> list on the module-struct page.
> this is the acct.h file

Tooting my ctypes horn (sorry for that):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ctypes> locate acct.h
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ctypes> python ctypes/wrap/h2xml.py sys/acct.h -o acct.xml
creating xml output file ...
running: gccxml /tmp/tmpSWogJs.cpp -fxml=acct.xml
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ctypes> python ctypes/wrap/xml2py.py acct.xml -o acct.py  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ctypes> python
Python 2.4.1a0 (#1, Oct 23 2004, 15:48:15) 
[GCC 3.3.1 (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import acct
>>> acct.acct
<class 'acct.acct'>
>>> acct.AFORK
>>> acct.ASU
>>> acct.acct.ac_comm
<Field type=c_char_Array_17, ofs=36, size=17>
>>> acct.acct.ac_utime
<Field type=c_ushort, ofs=12, size=2>
>>> from ctypes import sizeof
>>> sizeof(acct.acct) 
>>> acct.acct.ac_flag
<Field type=c_char, ofs=0, size=1>
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ctypes> 

But it won't help you to decode/encode the comp_t fields into floats.
Note that the h2xml.py script requires gccxml.


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