Dear Pythoneer, I was just curious about using the cmd module for building my own command line interface. i saw a problem. The script is as follows:
from cmd import Cmd import getpass class CmdTest(cmd): def __init__(self): super(CmdTest, self).__init__() def do_login(self): passwd = getpass.getpass() if passwd = 'godwin': print "You are a valid user" if __name__ == '__main__': ctest = CmdTest() ctest.cmdloop() The interpreter reports that the first argument to super should be a type rather than a class object and for the do_login function it says that function needs only one argument but two are given. I solved the above errors by adding the following code: Cmd.__init__(self) def do_login(self,passwd='godwin') But i know that my first code should work without any problems or is there a problem with it. Pls enlighten me. --