Hi, here is an information for the people who must develop programs with geodetic background and who asked me for a Englisch documentation of the geodetic functions included in GeoDLL. The DLL is present now with a complete English and German documentation!
In the Dynamic Link Library are geodetic functions like coordinate transformation, reference systems, meridian strip changes, user defined coordinate and reference systems, distance calculation, maps functions and other more geodetic functions. Accurate and high performant coordinate transformations of all EU countries, US and Canadian state plane, Australien systems and other systems all over the world are contained. GeoDLL can be bind with different programming languages into WINDOWS applications. The DLL is delivered with interface source codes to many programming languages. You find a free linkable test version of GeoDLL and much more information on the site http://www.killetsoft.de/geodlle.htm. Best regards, Fred -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list