> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
>>>Is there a function/class/module/whatever I can use to
>>>look at objects?  I want something that will print the object's
>>>value (if any) in pretty-printed form, and list all it's attributes
>>>and their values.  And do all that recursively.
>>>I want to be able to find out everything about an object that
>>>Python can introspectively find out.
>>Then check the inspect module
> I want a callable, ready-to-use class or function.
> Inspect provides soime funtions that would be useful for wrinting
> such a class or function, but does not provide one.
> I seems that nobody who has written or used such a tool reads
> this group, or feels like responding.
> FWIW, (for anyone looking for something similar in the future)
> I found http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/137951
> which will format and print an object's attributes.  By combining that
> and pprint in the Python distrib, I think can coble up what I am
> looking
> for.
> Still, it is discouraging that such a basic thing is not provided with
> python, or at lleast easily available in some library.
In the interactive mode, you might try >> help(object)

Colin W.

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