On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 12:31:08 -0800,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) wrote:

> Dan Sommers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    ...
>> Put the results into a dictionary (untested code follows!):

[ example code snipped ]

>> Now you can access the results as results['foo'], etc.  Or look up
>> the Borg pattern in the ASPN cookbook and you can access the results
>> as results.foo, etc.

> I think you mean the Bunch idiom, rather than the Borg one (which has to
> do with having instances of the same class share state).

Oops.  <sheepish grin>

You're right.


> Personally, I would rather pass myvar as well as the attribute names,
> and set them with setattr, as I see some others already suggested.

I lose track of things too easily that way.  YMMV.


Dan Sommers

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