Probably you have inbetween already found the 'def runsource(' line in the , but maybe you still wait for a reply, so here it is:
yes, you put the two lines at the beginning of in existing runsource() method of the class ModifiedInterpreter(InteractiveInterpreter) If in my Windows IDLE version the things are different from yours, sorry, I can't help in that case having no Linux installation available. Claudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Where do I put > > def runsource(self, source): > if(source == ''): > source = 'from btools import *' > "Extend base class method: Stuff the source in the line cache > first" > filename = self.stuffsource(source) > > Do I put it in or somewhere else? > > Bob > --