On 11/15/05, Bruno Desthuilliers
> The Eternal Squire a écrit :
> > Without copyright, how could one possibly earn a living writing a
> > novel?
> Without copyright, how could one possibly earn a living writing programs?-)
> --

I don't know about you, but I own the copyright to almost nothing that
I have written and been paid for, and further, none of has it's
copyright exploited to make money for the entity that does own the

Thats not to say that there wouldn't be massive fallout from the lack
of copyright, or that I support that extreme of a solution, but many,
many programs would still be written, and people would still be paid
to write them, even in the absence of copyright. In fact, a few
decades ago, it was legally uncertain whether software qualified for
an IP protection at all, and people still wrote, and were paid to
write, programs.

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