I have started out trying to learn Python for my first programming language.  I am starting off with the book "how to think like a computer scientist."  I spend about 4-5 hrs a day trying to learn this stuff.  It is certainly no easy task.  I've been at it for about 1-2 weeks now and have a very elementary picture of how Python works.  I am teaching myself from home and only recieve help from this forum.  Can anybody give me a timeframe as to how long it usually takes to pick something like this up, so I can maybe figure out a way to pace myself?  I can dedicate a good amount of time to it everyday.  Any advice on what is the best way to learn Python?  I am a fairly educated individual with a natural sciences degree (forestry), so I also have a decent math background.  Are there any constraints mathematically or logic "wise" that would prevent me from building a firm grasp of this language?

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