Thanks, that seems to work.
maybe one more question on this subject:

how can i use the callback function to the "createfilehandler" call from
within a class?
in other words, what would be the signature of the callback function, if
 I made it a member of a class?
The documentation says that the callback is called with the arguments:
callback(filehandle, stateMask)
but a class member function always has the "self" argument as is first
argument. So would the syntax be:

class GUI:
        def __init__:

        def filehandlerCallback(self, filehandle, stateMask):

> Compared to your program, I
>  * Made sure that the slave program actually flushed its stdout buffers
>  * didn't call read(), which will by default continue reading until
>    it reaches EOF, not merely read the available data
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sys, time, Tkinter, itertools, _tkinter, os
> if '-slave' in sys.argv:
>     for i in itertools.count():
>         time.sleep(1)
>         print "This is a line of output:", i
>         sys.stdout.flush()
>     raise SystemExit
> root = Tkinter.Tk()
> root.wm_withdraw()
> fh = os.popen('%s -slave' % sys.argv[0])
> def reader(*args):
>     line = fh.readline()
>     if not line:
>         print "EOF from slave"
>         raise SystemExit
>     print "from slave: %r" % line
> _tkinter.createfilehandler(fh, Tkinter.READABLE, reader)
> root.mainloop()

Dr Joachim Schambach
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Physics
1 University Station C1600
Austin, Texas 78712-0264, USA
Phone: (512) 471-1303; FAX: (814) 295-5111

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