> hi
> i have fucntion that generates a HTML page
> def genpage(arg1,arg2):
>    print ''' <div align="right"><font size="-1">BLAH BLAH.....%s %s
>           ''' % (arg1, arg2)
>    print ''' <table> ....blah blah... %s %s
>           </table>''' % (arg1,arg2)'
> The func is something like that, alot of open''' and closing ''' triple
> quotes. anyway, i wish to print all these into a HTML output file so
> that when i click on it, it shows me the html page. How can i do that?
> i tried
> f = open("output.html","w")
> f.write ( 'print '''<div align ....
> I am stuck at above after doing a lot of f.write for every line of HTML
> . Any betterways to do this in python?
> something like here documents in a shell script where it can also be
> directed to a file.
> thanks

Why not just redirect the output of your Python script from the shell? 

python generate_html.py > output.html

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