On Sun, 13 Nov 2005 02:57:04 -0800, 28tommy wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to automate an installation of some SW that is installed on
> Windows (you know - 'Start' ==> 'Next' ==> 'Next' ==> 'Finish' kind of
> installation). Is ther any way to perform that using python?

Quick answer is yes, very much so. What /can't/ you do in python? :)

I presume that by 'start -> next -> next' you're referring to
'installation wizards'. You can write those in python, using any of the
available GUI programming libraries, such as Tkinter, wxPython, PyFLTK,
FoxPY, PyQt or whatever appeals. PyFLTK and wxPython have Wizard widgets
built in, and quite likely PyQt does as well.



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