> Hello.  I'm trying to mod an open source app called TinyERP and inherit
> from a parent object, and in essence change how _column is defined.  I
> found sample code of:

Looks like "Spot the differences" puzzle to me. Hint: look at the
underscore characters.

> class custom_product(osv.osv):
>   __inherits__ = "product.product"
>   __name__ = "product.product"
>  _columns  = {
>     'color' : fields.many2one('color','Color'),
>     'size': fields.many2one('size','Size'),
>  }
> custom_product()


>  class product_uom_categ(osv.osv):
>       _name = 'product.uom.categ'
>       _description = 'Product uom categ'
>       _columns = {
>               'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True),
>       }
> product_uom_categ()


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