On 11/12/05, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shi Mu wrote:
> > I tried again and got the follwoing message:
> > *** cannot find Tcl/Tk headers and library files
> >     change the TCL_ROOT variable in the setup.py file
> > but i have already installed TCL under python23
> hmm.  I still think it would be easier if you used a prebuilt version, like
> everyone else.
> (if you insist on using an old source release instead of the latest binaries,
> follow the instructions, and make sure the TCL_ROOT variable points to
> the location of the Tcl/Tk development libraries (the directory that con-
> tains Tcl's "include" and "lib" directories, that is))

what is Tcl/Tk development libraries? I have a tcl folder under c:\python23.
Is that what you mean?

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