This is not directly what the OP wanted in regards to Perl, but to see what one could do if one needed to change the name of the running program, I wrote this: ## START PROGRAM import sys import os.path import shutil import os
def testChangingName(appname): hopedfornameis = appname mylongnameis = sys.argv[0] mynameis = os.path.basename(mylongnameis) basenameis = os.path.dirname(mylongnameis) if mynameis != hopedfornameis: shutil.copyfile(mynameis, basenameis+"/"+hopedfornameis) os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,"c:/python23/python.exe",('c:/python23/python.exe',hopedfornameis)) sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": print sys.argv[0] testChangingName("") s=raw_input("All's well!") s=raw_input("Now do something useful") ## END PROGRAM Since I don't know the circumstance in which the OP wanted to change the name, I really don't know what caveats one should look out for here. I would be curious to know when such a function could come in handy. Jean-Marc --