Alex Martelli wrote:
> George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    ...
>>>>FP functions like dropwhile/takewhile etc.
>>>No way -- the itertools module is and remains a PRECIOUS resource.
>>>If you want an iterator rather than a list, itertools.ifilter is quite
>>>appropriate here.
>>What about the future of itertools in python 3K ? IIRC, several
>>functions and methods that currently return lists are going to return
>>iterators. Could this imply that itertools.(imap/ifilter/izip) will
>>take the place of map/filter/zip as builtins ?
> I think the builtin namespace shouldn't get too crowded.  But what I
> think matters little -- what __GvR__ thinks is more important...!-)
> Alex
Are there generally accepted guidelines on what is appropriate for the 
builtin namespace?

Colin W.

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