petantik wrote:
> Are there any commercial, or otherwise obfuscators for python source
> code or byte code and what are their relative advantages or
> disadvantages.  I wonder because there are some byte code protection
> available for java and .NET, although from what i've read these seem to
> be not comprehensive as protection schemes
Before adding complex protection mechanisms to your code you first need 
some code worth protecting, which is to say it should have some novel 
features or represent a lot of work that offers useful integrated 
functionality for a task or a skill area.

Most inquiries of this nature appear to fall at that first hurdle.

There are things you can do, but I'm always keenly aware that very few 
users of a program have both the skills and the inclination to rip off 
the code even when the source is distributed as part of the product. 
Personally I've never bothered with obfuscation, and prefer to rely on 
copyright when I deliver code to customers.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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