Yves Glodt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I guess that's normal as it's the way python works...?!?

Yes, that's the way Python works.

> My question is: Is there no way to append to a non existing list?

The next time you go shopping at your local super-market, do
*not* get a shopping-cart (or shopping-basket, or any similar
container).  As you pick up the things you want to buy, try
to put them into the non-existing cart.  Perhaps you will then
become enlightened.

> I am lazy for declaring it first, IMHO it bloats the code, and (don't 
> know if it's good to say that here) where I come from (php) I was used 
> to not-needing it...

Basically you want Python to automatically create a list out of
nowhere and bind a variable to that list when you try to access
a variable that doesn't exist in a certain way.  How do you
propose that Python should now that it is a *list* you want, and
not some other kind of object?

There actually is a way to do what you want:

    for row in sqlsth:
        except NameError:
            pkcolumns = [ row[0].strip() ]

However, as you see it is much more work than to do it the right
way.  It's also much more fragile; think for example about what
happens if your SQL statement (I assume that's what sqlsth is)
yields zero rows, and you then try to look at pkcolumns after
that loop.

Thomas Bellman,   Lysator Computer Club,   Linköping University,  Sweden
"God is real, but Jesus is an integer."      !  bellman @ lysator.liu.se
                                             !  Make Love -- Nicht Wahr!

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