infidel wrote: > I have a stored procedure that has a single output parameter. Why do I > have to pass it a string big enough to hold the value it is to receive? > Why can't I pass an empty string or None? > > >>>>import cx_Oracle as oracle >>>>connection = oracle.connect('usr/[EMAIL PROTECTED]') >>>>cursor = connection.cursor() >>>>network_name, = cursor.callproc('my_pkg.get_network_name_sp', ('',)) > > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ? > DatabaseError: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character > string buffer too small > ORA-06512: at "USR.MY_PKG", line 35 > ORA-06512: at line 1 > > The following works fine, but I don't like having to do it: > > >>>>network_name, = cursor.callproc('my_pkg.get_network_name_sp', (' ' * 32,)) > > > Am I missing something obvious here?
Yes - where should the oracle store the data if you pass None (null-pointer!) or a too short string? The C-Api of oracle requires an INOUT-Paramter to be properly dimensioned - its like other c-calls, that take a pointer and a size argument. Thus you don't have to deal with freeing malloc'ed memory in the caller. I'm not sure about it, but possibly a _return_-value might help here, possible by using a function inbstead of a procedure. Did you try that? Of course it would require to rewrite your procedure to be a function, or if that is not possible due to others using it too, wrap it in a p/sql function. I'm a bit rusty on p/sql, so I can't wirte it out of my head. Then you could e.g. do select my_pkg.wrapped_get_network_name() from dual and wouldn't have to care about sizes. regards, Diez --