> Chad Everett wrote:
> > Hi all,  I am new to the group.  Trying to learn Python programming on my
> > own.  I am working through Michael Dawson's Book Python Programming for the
> > absolute beginner.
> >
> > I am tring to write a program that is a number guessing game.  I want to be
> > able to give the user 5 tries to guess the number before the program ends.
> >
> > I get the result that I want when the user misses after the 5th try.  But it
> > does not go down to my closing statement to end.  Rather is askes for
> > another guess.
> Because even after 5 tries, guess != the_number. You won't get past
> the while loop until it does. When there have been 5 misses, try
> setting
> guess=the_number.
> >
> > I appreciate any help you can give.  If  this is not the correct group for
> > these types of questions, I apologize and hope that you can direct me to
> > another NG.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Chad
> >
> > import random
> >
> > print "\tWelcome to 'Guess my Number'!"
> > print "\nI'm Thinking of a Number between 1 and 100."
> > print "\nTry to Guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n"
> >
> > #Set the initial values
> > the_number = random.randrange(100) + 1
> > guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess:"))
> > tries = 1
> >
> > #Guessing Loop
> >
> > while (guess != the_number):
> >     if (guess >the_number):
> >         print "Lower..."
> >     else:
> >         print "Higher..."
> >     guess = int(raw_input("Take another Guess:"))
> >     tries +=1
> >     if tries == 5:
> >  print "Sorry you lose."
> >  print "The Correct Number was ", the_number
> >
> >
> > print "You guess correctly!!"
> > print "The number was:", the_number
> > print "You got it correct in", tries, "tries"
> >
> > raw_input("Press Enter to exit the program")

here is your corrected version:
##FROM here it's good
import random

print "\tWelcome to 'Guess my Number'!"
print "\nI'm Thinking of a Number between 1 and 100."
print "\nTry to Guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n"

#Set the initial values
## Here you always get 100, randrange is from start to end+1
the_number = random.randrange(0,101)
##This is OK
guess = int(raw_input("Take a guess:"))
tries = 1

#Guessing Loop

while (guess != the_number):
    if (guess >the_number):
        print "Lower..."
        print "Higher..."
    guess = int(raw_input("Take another Guess:"))
    tries +=1
    if tries == 5:
        ## Missing break to explicitly leave loop after 5
## Then test to see if  last guess equals the_number
if guess != the_number:
    print "Sorry you lose."
    print "The Correct Number was ", the_number
    print "You guess correctly!!"
    print "The number was:", the_number
    print "You got it correct in", tries, "tries"

raw_input("Press Enter to exit the program")


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