hello and thanks for reading this. i am a long time windows/visual_basic user and i have been quite happy using that.
i am doing a consulting project for a dry cleaning company. in the past i would use windows and visual basic but i want to create an app using python and linux using something link nomachine's nx server/client. i really did python. seems to me that i can create the app on my windows computer using things like: --- python --- postgre/mqsql --- thinker or something like it. then i could 'deploy'' it on linux. perhaps someone can provide some answers to the following questions to guide me. 1. is there any skeleton apps that supports: --- multi-user database --- forms --- some simple ui --- optmized for use over internet. i do not think i would want to use a browser based app is they seem to have a very primitve interface with too many page reloads. yeah, there is ajax but it is way to new for me. i checked out rekall but it looked to primitve and under development plus it did not seem to do graphing and had only read only kde and i will not be using kde. i have been checking out activatestate's komodo and i like that but i need some code to learn from. python is so different from visualbasic and i want to learn the right way thanks so much, dave -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list