[Robert Kern]
>>Most of AOL's offices are in Dulles, VA. Google's headquarters are in
>>Mountain View, CA.

> Aha, I post to the usenet through Google. Makes the map application
> all the more stupid, doesn't it?

Actually, no, because Google Groups sets the NNTP-Posting-Host header to 
the IP address from which the user connected to Google. So your post to 
which I'm replying came from IP address "", which reverses 
to "adsl-68-73-244-37.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net".


So presumably "chcgil" indicates you're in Chicago, Illinois?

Although I do have to point out that the map makes it appear as if I've 
been busy posting from all over Dublin's Southside, which, as anyone who 
has seen "The Commitments" can attest, is a deep insult a born-and-bred 
Northsider such as myself ;-)

alan kennedy
email alan:              http://xhaus.com/contact/alan

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