Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes: > > gmpy users able to download and build from sourceforge's cvs are > > encouraged to test the current CVS version. > > Oh cool, I wondered whether any gmpy maintenance was still going on. Only when I get guilt-tripped into working a bit on it;-). gmpy as it stands mostly meets my modest personal needs, but I'd still like to keep it useful to others, too, of course. > I'll see if I can give the new version a try. Thanks. The floordiv and truediv still need tests, and there's a mysterious report of them not working at all (which I suspect is due to a cvs update somehow going awry -- I've now added a gmpy._cvsid() accessor to return the CVS $Id$ string to facilitate checking for such issues); divm shouldn't leak memory any more, but still fails when arguments aren't mutually prime (haven't looked into that yet). I will be working on these issues presently. I haven't even looked at what's new in GMP 4.1.4 to see if there's anything there which I should wrap in gmpy (or use to reimplement some of gmpy's existing functionality in a more optimized way...). I'm open to suggestions for any such minor features or optimizations, although my main goal for 1.01 is to remove bugs and leaks -- any _major_ new feature will have to wait for a future 1.1 or whatever... Current gmpy's biggest single issue right now is that I can't build it on Windows, having no Windows machine, and even less any GMP 4.1.4 for Windows... Alex --