I have fixed almost all of the outstanding bugreports and feature request for gmpy: divm doesn't leak memory any more, truediv and floordiv are implemented for all types, etc -- in the current CVS version (one thing I must still look at is divm's behavior when its args are not mutually prime). It currently compiles w/o warnings, and passes all of its 1040+ tests, w/the current release of GMP (4.1.4), Python (2.4.2), MacOSX (10.4.3), XCode (2.1), gcc (4.0).\\
gmpy users able to download and build from sourceforge's cvs are encouraged to test the current CVS version. This is a great time to send me any bug reports or (minor;-) feature requests, since I hope to release a "1.01 release candidate" of gmpy ASAP. I'm currently unable to build any Windows version -- any volunteer for THAT task is doubly welcome;-). Thanks, Alex -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list