James Stroud <wrote:

> The quote implies that when I call carol, b.__init__ should be called. 
> However, this does not seem to be the case (see code below). What am I 
> not 
> understanding? Shouldn't the interpreter call b.__init__ when b is 
> returned 
> from carol.__new__?
> James
> py> class bob(object):
> ...   def __init__(self):
> ...     print self.x
> ...   x = 2
> ...
> py> class carol(object):
> ...   def __new__(cls):
> ...     return b
> ...
> py> b=bob()
> py> b.x
> 2
> py> c = carol()   # should print "2"
> py> c
> <__main__.bob object at 0x404333cc>

It seems to produce the output you expected for me (Python 2.4.1 on Windows 
XP), but this has nothing to do with "carol".  How are bob and carol related?


    class bob(object):
        def __init__(self):
            print self.x
        x = 2

    class carol(object):
        def __new__(cls):
            return b
    print b.x
    c = carol()



This code produces the same output:

    class bob(object):
        def __init__(self):
            print self.x
        x = 2
    ##    class carol(object):
    ##        def __new__(cls):
    ##            return b
    print b.x
    ##    c = carol()

I am interested in the underlying subject but think your code was mispasted 
into the e-mail...


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