In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alan Kennedy wrote:
> [Jan Gregor]
>>  I want to apply changes in my source code without stopping jython
>>  and JVM. Preferable are modifications directly to instances of
>>  classes. My application is a desktop app using swing library.
>>  Python solutions also interest me.
>>  Solution similiar to "lisp way" is ideal.
> OK, I'll play 20 questions with you.
> How close is the following to what you're thinking?

I see.

Following try showed me that instances aren't affected by
modification in class definition.
but this helped
   x.test = a().test  OR  x.test = y.test

The only thing left is how to initiate modification, it's a
swing application and i think interp.exec don't stop until
it's done. Maybe somehow call it from jython itself - but need
to pass PythonInterpreter instance.


class a:
    def test(self):
        print 'first'

x= a()

class a:
    def test(self):
        print 'second'

y= a()


> begin -------------------------------------------
> //************************************************************
> import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
> import org.python.core.*;
> class SelfMod
>    {
>    static String my_class_source =
>      "class MyJyClass:\n" +
>      "  def hello(self):\n" +
>      "    print 'Hello World!'\n";
>    static String create_instance = "my_instance = MyJyClass()\n";
>    static String invoke_hello = "my_instance.hello()";
>    static String overwrite_meth =
>      "def goodbye():\n"+
>      "  print 'Goodbye world!'\n" +
>      "\n" +
>      "my_instance.hello = goodbye\n";
>    public static void main ( String args[] )
>      {
>      PythonInterpreter interp = new PythonInterpreter();
>      interp.exec(my_class_source);
>      interp.exec(create_instance);
>      interp.exec(invoke_hello);
>      interp.exec(overwrite_meth);
>      interp.exec(invoke_hello);
>      }
>    }
> //************************************************************
> end ---------------------------------------------
> need-to-complete-my-coursework-for-telepathy-101-ly y'rs

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