Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> oops. I developed this habit because I found I like to read it this
>> way. As I usually would read just the first few lines to see if I
>> want to read on. top post serve me well for this purpose. And I
>> assume other may also find my stuff not worth reading and skip quick
>> so why force them to scroll all the way down ? I would only do
>> in-line response type when there is a need for specific response in
>> context.
> I'm more of the type that wouldn't read on if I have no context to
> what I'm reading...  Specially if there's a mix of top posts with
> bottom posts...

Anyway, if you keep more than a pageful of the previous message, you're
probably not cutting it hard enough. Just keep what's needed to keep the

Björn Lindström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Student of computational linguistics, Uppsala University, Sweden

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