In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Sybren Stuvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Devan L enlightened us with:
>> I would not recommend trying to code on a handheld device. Small
>> screen size and [usually] small keyboards make it
>> less-than-practical. Stick with a laptop, or write it in a notebook,
>> if you must.
>Although it isn't the pinnacle of usability, I can program just fine
>on my Sharp Zaurus C3000.
>Having said that, a real PC is a lot nicer to work on. But then, if
>you want to have a really portable programming thiny, the Zaurus is
>Not too cheap though.
A colleague who works with Tcl (for this purpose, think of it
as Python, except different) achieves stunning results with
his tiny PocketPC Magician. For inspiration, see <URL: >. Richard makes me want
such a device, even though I orient exceedingly strongly to
full-size keyboards. Incidentally, the Samsung 730 is another
I'm considering.