yaipa wrote:
> I've been asked by my boss to put an Icon in WinXP's "My Computer" for
> a utility we use around the shop.  My tool of choice is of course
> Python and therefore what I am using to attempt my given task.  I have
> no trouble putting Icons in the WinXP Toolbar using Python, but have
> totally failed to get an Icon to appear in My Computer.  Any Idea on
> why and maybe how to get around this using Python? 

How would you do this if you were not using Python?

(Hint, if the answer is "I have no idea", then it's usually an 
indication that this is not a Python issue, and that you should be 
seeking your answer in a Windows-specific forum, or maybe in the 
documentation on Microsoft's web site.  Then, once you know what API or 
registry settings are required to set this up, you can generally map 
that easily to the pywin32 stuff or maybe ctypes using Python.)

(Of course, you might also luck out, as people often do, since there are 
real Windows expert types hanging out here and they might help you out 


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