On 2005-11-03, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>I've never heard of anybody using the data as source of
>> Me neither, but the original poster did ask how to read every
>> nth byte of "the Internet stream", so I assumed he had
>> something like that in mind.
> And to think that if you'd just waited for the OP to explain
> what the heck he meant by "the Internet stream", you'd have
> saved ever so much time.  ;-)
> (But then, if we always did that Usenet wouldn't be any fun.)

That's for sure.  The real questions are rarely as interesting
and the imagined ones.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Well, O.K. I'll
                                  at               compromise with my
                               visi.com            principles because of
                                                   EXISTENTIAL DESPAIR!

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