> I appologize in advance for this strange (and possibly stupid)
> question.
> I want to know if there is a way to interface a MySQL database without
> Python-MySQL or without installing anything that has C files that need
> to be compiled. The reason for this, is that I want to develop a
> certain web application, but my hosting provider ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@#%) isn't 
> very
> eager to supply Python-MySQL (or any modules to python). Is there an
> alternative approach I could use to pass around this ridiculos lack of
> functionality?

Possibly not want you want to hear, but I'd strongly recommend to stop 
wasting your time with a hosting company that doesn't support the 
technologies you need.

Instead, try a hosting company that supports python: there are lots and lots


Life's too short to spend your time hacking around artificial barriers 
to progress.

alan kennedy
email alan:              http://xhaus.com/contact/alan

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