Hello Kees,

> and via the even handler I try to give StaticText a different style:

In general you *can not* change in runtime the style of a widget. Only a
very limited subset of the wxPython widgets supports style changes in
runtime. I would suggest you 2 alternatives:

1) Use wx.lib.stattext ==> GenStaticText (but I am not sure it will work, I
don't think so, but you can try it);
2) Every time you call your event binder, Destroy() the StaticText with the
old style and create a new one with the style you need. For example
(untested code!!!):

def VeranderLabel(self, event):

   if self.text1.GetWindowStyle() == wx.SUNKEN_BORDER:
       MyStyle = wx.RAISED_BORDER
       MyStyle = wx.SUNKEN_BORDER

   self.text1 = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Dikke Henk en gekke Greetje",
                                            size=(100,50), pos=(15,20),



"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
"KvS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Hi all,
> I'm pretty new to (wx)Python so plz. don't shoot me if I've missed
> something obvious ;). I have a panel inside a frame, on which a Button
> and a StaticText is placed:
> self.panel = wx.Panel(self,-1)
> self.button = wx.Button(self.panel,-1,"Klikkerdeklik")
> self.button.SetPosition((200,40))
> self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.VeranderLabel, self.button)
> self.text1 = wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, "Dikke Henk en gekke
> Greetje", size=(100,50), pos=(15,20), style=wx.RAISED_BORDER)
> and via the even handler I try to give StaticText a different style:
> def VeranderLabel(self, event):
>   if self.text1.GetWindowStyle() == wx.SUNKEN_BORDER:
>     self.text1.SetWindowStyle(wx.RAISED_BORDER)
>     self.text1.Refresh()
>     self.text1.Update()
>   else:
>     self.text1.SetWindowStyle(wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
>     self.text1.Refresh()
>     self.text1.Update()
> Although the style is indeed updated (checked by printing style to
> console) the appearance of the StaticText stays the same. What am I
> missing here?
> Thanks in advance.
> - Kees


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