Steve Horsley wrote:
> Ben O'Steen wrote:
> > On Mon, October 31, 2005 10:23, Sybren Stuvel said:
> >> Ben O'Steen enlightened us with:
> >>> Using decimal as opposed to float sorts out this error as floats are
> >>> not built to handle the size of number used here.
> >> They can handle the size just fine. What they can't handle is 1/1000th
> >> precision when using numbers in the order of 1e10.
> >
> > I used the word 'size' here incorrectly, I intended to mean 'length'
> > rather than numerical value. Sorry for the confusion :)
> Sybren is right. The problem is not the length or the size, it's
> the fact that 0.039 cannot be represented exactly in binary, in
> just the same way that 1/3 cannot be represented exactly in
> decimal. They both give recurring numbers. If you truncate those
> recurring numbers to a finite number of digits, you lose
> precision. And this shows up when you convert the inaccurate
> number from binary into decimal representation where an exact
> representation IS possible.

That's A source of error, but it's only part of the story.  The
double-precision binary representation of 0.039 is 5620492334958379 *
2**(-57), which is in error by 1/18014398509481984000.  By contrast,
Johnny Lee's answer is in error by 9/262144000, which is more than 618
billion times the error of simply representing 0.039 in floating point
-- a loss of 39 bits.

The problem here is catastrophic cancellation.

1130748744.500 ~= 4742703982051328 * 2**(-22)
1130748744.461 ~= 4742703981887750 * 2**(-22)

Subtracting gives 163578 * 2**(-22), which has only 18 significant bits.


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