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donbro wrote:
| If my read of the extension source (Mac/Modules/file/_Filemodule.c) is
| correct, the parameter sizes specified for data and resource file sizes
| are UInt32 where they should be UInt64.
| In both OS9 and OSX Carbon, the MacOS File Manager (Files.h) uses
| UInt64 values for data and resource filesizes.
| Testing Python 2.3 and 2.4.2 on MacOS 10.3 returns 0L for the file size
| values and correct values for other elements such as parentDirID:
|>>>fsRef = FSRef('LICENSE')
|>>>catinfo, d1, d2, d3  = fsRef.FSGetCatalogInfo(-1L)
| 0
| 2026177
| in Files.h, both OS9 and OSX Carbon, the elements are UInt64:
| struct FSCatalogInfo {
| [...]
|     UInt64                          dataLogicalSize;
|     UInt64                          dataPhysicalSize;
|     UInt64                          rsrcLogicalSize;
|     UInt64                          rsrcPhysicalSize;
| [...]
| }
| in _Filemodule.c the spec looks to be 32 bit:
| static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_dataLogicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject
| *self, void *closure)
| {
|       return Py_BuildValue("l", self->ob_itself.dataLogicalSize);
| }
| I have, perhaps naively, just changed my local copy to use a BuildValue
| parameter of "L" instead of "l" for each of these get and set methods
| and this has survived my initial testing:
| static PyObject *FSCatalogInfo_get_dataLogicalSize(FSCatalogInfoObject
| *self, void *closure)
| {
|       return Py_BuildValue("L", self->ob_itself.dataLogicalSize);
| }
| But my questions are:
| Has anyone else seen this?
| Does this seem like the right fix?
| There is another routine in _Filemodule.c: FSCatalogInfo_tp_init() that
| also seems to hold information relevant to parameter size.  Should this
| be changed as well?
| If this is a bug, what's the best procedure to report this?
| Sourceforge?  This mailing list?
| I'm porting a MacOS9 application from C++ to python and I expect to be
| seeing a lot of these python macintosh filesystem extensions in the
| near future!
| Thanks for any help
| Don
You're most likely to get a good answer to this question on the
MacPython mailing list--give that a try if you don't get a response here.

- --

Kevin Walzer, PhD
WordTech Software - "Tame the Terminal"
sw at wordtech-software.com
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