On Oct 31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have one folder containing mp3 files, the folder is:
> C:\My Shared Folder\Rubber Soul
> And the files are:
> 03 you won't see me.mp3
> .
> I'm trying to rename files to:
> The Beatles - You Won't See Me.mp3
> .

My first suggestion is that you make better changes while you're
taking the effort to rename.  I.e., don't use spaces or apostrophes
(or other shell-unfriendly characters) in file names (though some
might disagree with me on this religious issue).  So for your case a
more parse-able/useful translation might be:


> So I need to change the file number to "The Beatles -"

You'll probably want to use "re" for this.  In a loop over
your glob'd files, something like:

    re.sub(r'^\d\d\s', r'The Beatles - ', ...)

> and Capitalize the name.

If you avoid the apostrophe, then 'you wont see me'.title() will do
the Right Thing.

> I was trying to create a function and using glob and rename, but i
> had no sucsses... Could somebody help me please,

You should post the solution you've attempted to write if you want help
fixing it.

_ _     ___
|V|icah |- lliott  http://micah.elliott.name  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
" "     """

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